打風的下午, 躲在W的家, 看VCD.
"Being Julia" 是教眾女性拍案叫絕的, 內容不贅. 可能男生看了沒有甚麼特別的感覺, 女人才會有很深刻的體會. Julia不是一般的女性,她扮演了不同的角色.戲的結尾是無奈的眼神,再一次帶出戲如人生.人生真的能像戲中般在我們計算之中嗎? 我不知道. 但我只想努力做好.對不起, w, 喝光了你的紅酒, 下次補買一支給你好了. :p
Ken - Happy Birthday!!
My dearest, I wish you work hardI wish you improve yourself to a better man every yearI wish you earn more $I wish you marry a decent girl to raise a familyI wish you develop a prosperous careerSo that you can support my living later, then I don't need to work. kakakaThank you for washing dishese for me when I am not at homeThank you for comforting parents when I am not able toThank you for forgiving me if I treated you bad during your childhoodThank you for understanding my difficultiesSo have a happy birthday yourself, and be a better man. My brother
Sept 16th 2005低音淳, 高音假, 假音人, 越假越紅!! 認識假音人始於數年前. 在非常林奕華的劇場中看到了陳浩峰, 此子非常突出, 清澈的聲音,誇張的動作, 很抵死!! 然後聽說他組了一隊樂隊, 名為假音人. 在電台聽他們的歌, 怪怪的 但配合陳的聲音, 蠻可愛的.秉承 一貫他們開show的文化, 就好像開 rave party 一樣, 年紀大的我因怕跌下去, 到最後才忍不住站起來. 除了一些很rock的歌以外, 他翻唱了很多很老的情歌. 想不到越老的歌, 歌詞來得非常震撼, 那種深情, 那種含蓄, 實在是另一種美, 另一種情調. 陳實在有他的吸引力, 也可能是sex appeal. 男男女女都為他著迷. 我也被他的超高音迷住了, (要知道男的有這樣的聲音及歌藝是很少有的), 特別是那改版的k歌, 少一點記憶力也不可少觀!!
Elektra, Op.58
Sept 15th 2005Sorry, my opera friends, I don't know it's just a singing version instead of stage playing.Yet, it's another feelings. Sopranos singing in grand victorian style dresses with touching voice. Little bit of acting makes it more touching. You have more room for imagination. I like the one who is very old. Over 60 years old, Dame Gwyneth Jonese with outstdanding voice and lots performing experiences, she won my heart. She looks stunning and very elegant with her long white hair. That's why women need to learn how to getting old elegantly.A very sad story. Full of harted, sadness, people dead... A revenge story. With the expaned percussion section including eight timpani, triangle, tambourine, side drum, cymbals, two pairs of castanets, bass drum, twig brush, tam-tam, glockenspiel and celesta. All those are very good for playing a murder sound. Well, an brand-new experiences. I enjoyed it so much. All sadness, harted should be gone.
聽說:如果有人太壞,便會壞到不可收拾,變成了「愛無能」,想愛不會愛。沒有愛,更加壞。依我看來, 那倒是好事. 有些人如果不能做世人眼光中的好人, 最好還是壞到底. 不想變好, 良知也叫他壞不到底 , 俳迴在無間道之間, 只有無邊的痛苦. 然後變成愛無能, 有沒有感覺, 能不能愛, 也沒有關係了. 變做好人, 要付出的實在太多了. 我也想變成壞人, 可是我的老細不容許!! Love you.
Nicole Kidman always won't make me disappointed. She is so talented in acting, no matter being funny or sentimental. The movie is just a classical Hollywood movie, made you laugh, but not a real laugh. But I like one thing which is so meaningful. In the movie, Nicole can rewind things happened and back again just like didn't happen at all. If we have chance to choose things in our life once again, will it be the same or totally different? It's a positive result in the movie. I don't know if it'd be the same in real life. However, we all have one chance. Once chose, no regret. Never turn back again.
有人問:『你為什麼喜歡一個人?』; 我只能夠說出為什麼不喜歡一個人, 卻說不出為什麼喜歡一個人。 喜歡一個人,是一種感覺。 不喜歡一個人,卻是事實。 事實容易解釋,感覺卻難以言喻。 愛情是忽然有一個人,我們覺得一見如故,很想靠近他,我們的內分泌忽然起了翻天覆 地的變化,很想擁抱他。以後,無論快樂或哀愁,我們也想不起當初為什麼愛他。只有當我們不愛一個人時,才會找出不愛他的原因,因為我們開始挑剔。 任何一個人,只 要你去挑剔,一定找得出缺點。越去挑剔,缺點越多,我們便可以說出為什麼不喜歡他。 我們想買一件衣服時,即使發現他有小小瑕疵,埋怨幾句,也肯將就,因為只有這一 件, 而且我們太喜歡它了,瑕不掩瑜!假使我們根本不想買那件衣服,它的小小瑕疵 便是致命傷。我們更會努力地找出其他缺點,譬如質料不夠挺,顏色太鮮豔,向售貨員證實,我們不是隨便來逛逛的,我有認真考慮過的呀!分手可以有很多原因,結合卻只有一個原因,原因就是:不需要原因, 只因我不再愛你了。每個對我表達好感的男人,我都會問上這麼一句話。「你說你喜歡我,那麼告訴我,你喜歡我的什麼 ?」然後是電視劇才會出現的甜言蜜語 :「我喜歡你的眼睛,一眨一眨的, 好像會說話似的。」可他從來沒有看過我那雙哭到紅腫的眼睛,泛著一絲又一絲的血絲,很是嚇人。 但是,那是我。「我喜歡你的樂觀,你的善解人意。」可是他只看見我形於外的性格,卻從來不知道半夜悲傷時,我臉上露出的是怎樣的表情。但是,那是我。「我喜歡你的幽默風趣,說話時的伶牙俐齒, so witty。」可他從來沒有發現那個他所認為的幽默 風趣,很可能是我發自內心諷刺他的冷言冷語,有些刻薄。而,這也是我。 「我喜歡你的表情,看起來聰明伶俐的。」他可從來沒有因為我的固執,而讓他吃上苦頭過。「我喜歡你的個性,就這麼覺得。」他大概才認識我幾天而已吧。他可能還不懂,什麼叫做日久見人心。「我喜歡你的成熟思想,你對事物的看法。」他大概不知道我曾經吃了哪些苦頭,才體認 到這些他所謂的成熟思想,才造就我對事物的種種看法。「我喜歡跟你在一起時的感覺。」 哦?那麼換句話說,要是我在他面前換了另外一張面具,他大概就會討厭我了 吧。他不懂得女人擁有的面具是百百種。其實不管男人到底喜歡女人些什麼,只要讓我們感受到真心真意,就已足夠。不論是哪一個我,不論是好是壞,善良壞心,不就都是我嗎..?而對我來說呢,我最想聽到的答案是.....「我喜歡你,因為你就是你」只是, 最近我只想一個人。還是繼續唱我的歌吧 : 我要飛走, 我要自由, 我要用....
很累, 但看見你, 我的心笑了.
這些年來(張國榮的名曲 ^^), 也只有你最懂我. 我做些什麼, 想些什麼, 你全都知道. 沒有人可以像你般如此了解我.
不知道是否神杷你派來, 如果每個人都有一個守護天使, 那你一定是我的那一個. 無論發生什麼是, 你也是在我身旁默默的支持我.
我實在愛死你了, 可是我們卻不能在一起. 無奈...... 生命中實在是太多了.
也可能我有太多的守護天使, 而且我可能也忙著當別人的.
不要罵我, 我可不是沒良心, 只是我不是同性戀!!! :p
最近很累, 只因迷上了看blog. 一大堆的文字, 久違了的興趣. 藝術電影, 書刊評論, 思想家,哲學家, 別人的故事…… 滿足了腦袋飢渴的我, 不斷的吸, 看過天昏地暗, 真暢快!! 可能實在餓的太久了, 消化力很強, 欲罷不能!!
在此, 先介紹一個匯集了很多作者的一個, 蠻好看的.More than one
I love u
1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile .7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.